Month: November 2019

  • Psychic Energy Overload: How to Protect Yourself

    Psychic Energy Overload: How to Protect Yourself

    Last Updated on November 25, 2019 One mistake some people make when they first start to open up to their psychic abilities is they do too much too fast and overwhelm their systems with psychic energy. After all, it’s easy to become excited when you first start to learn about…

  • Psychic Experiences: Where to Read About Them Online

    Psychic Experiences: Where to Read About Them Online

    Last Updated on November 18, 2019 Psychic experiences can be life-changing and sometimes they can even be scary. So when you have one, it’s normal to want to find others who can help you understand what just happened to you. Unfortunately that’s sometimes easier said than done. The first time…

  • Why Every Couple Needs an Akashic Record Reading

    Why Every Couple Needs an Akashic Record Reading

    Last Updated on November 15, 2019 No relationship is easy 100 percent of the time. Ask any long-term couple and they will tell you there will be good times and bad. But when the bad times come around, you may be wondering if the relationship is worth saving. An Akashic…

  • Mental Telepathy Between Lovers: An Exercise to Try

    Mental Telepathy Between Lovers: An Exercise to Try

    Last Updated on April 30, 2021 Some things may be difficult to say to your partner. Maybe you want to apologize for messing up in the relationship. Perhaps you want to ask your partner about their feelings for you or you are ready to share your feelings for them, but…

  • How to Invite Someone Into Your Dreams

    How to Invite Someone Into Your Dreams

    Last Updated on December 6, 2019 Dreams can give us insight into what’s going on in our subconscious. But they can also be portals where we can receive psychic information or connect with our loved ones on the other side. However, I’ve recently heard of a technique where you can…