Category: How to Be Psychic

  • Should you use a used Tarot deck?

    Should you use a used Tarot deck?

    If you regularly work with Tarot cards or you want to start learning how to use Tarot cards, it’s important to choose a Tarot card deck that vibes with you. So what if someone offers to give you their deck of Tarot cards? Or what if someone who read Tarot…

  • Tips for sensing subtle energies

    Tips for sensing subtle energies

    As your psychic ability strengthens, so does your ability to sense subtle energies. You’ll notice how one person feels different from another. You’ll see that people who you enjoy spending time with the most actually feel better to you on an energetic level. Another benefit of being able to sense…

  • Why you must follow the feel-good

    Why you must follow the feel-good

    So often people puzzle over finding their purpose and figuring out what they are meant to do in life. But the answer is really quite simple, particularly when you get your intuition involved. Your intuition will always lead you to whatever is in your heart. And that will feel good.…

  • How to be a medium: 3 ways to strengthen your abilities

    How to be a medium: 3 ways to strengthen your abilities

    If you’ve ever lost a loved one, it’s natural to ask ‘are mediums real’ and to want to make contact with those who are on the other side. Not only are mediums real, but you could very well have the abilities to contact those on the other side yourself. If…

  • Communicating with the dead? You may be a medium

    Communicating with the dead? You may be a medium

    Many psychic mediums first begin to explore their spiritual gifts after the death of a loved one. In fact, it’s not unusual for one to explore psychic development after a loved one has crossed over to the other side. The reason for this is actually quite simple. Many people are…