Lately, I’ve been fascinated by the concept of karmic debt. It refers to the baggage we carry around with us that results from our past life deeds. When we’ve acted in a way that causes negative consequences to others, you’d better believe we’re going to have an experience that throws that negative energy back to…
Category: Psychic Development Tips
Signs a Spirit Animal is Reaching Out to You
Whenever I’ve experienced a crisis, I’ve always noticed that animals help me to get through. I’m not talking about my cat — though she is a great comfort emotionally. Rather, I’m talking about the spirit animals that communicate with me more frequently when times are challenging. Spirit animals are exactly what they sound like —…
How to Recognize an Important Psychic Message
Sometimes an intuitive message can be fun to receive. Other times it can literally be a matter of life or death. While urgent, or important, psychic messages may not be the norm, your sixth sense is supposed to warn you of danger — and luckily it will do that. But you have to recognize, trust…
How to Psychically Tune into Someone Before You Meet
One of the most helpful uses of psychic ability is to get a read on someone before you meet them. Learning to tune into psychic abilities before you meet someone can be helpful at work before you meet a potential client. It can also be helpful in your personal life when going on a blind…
15 Surprising Ways Intuition Speaks
I don’t know about you, but I was always good for making things harder than they need to be. I’d look for explanations or processes to explain how things worked when all I really needed was a feeling. I think I was looking for a way to explain what I was experiencing to those who…