Updated December 9, 2024 — The downfall of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime and the murder of healthcare executive Brian Thompson could be early indications of what Pluto in Aquarius will bring.
If you follow astrology even a little bit, you’ve probably heard about Pluto moving into Aquarius. On November 19, 2024, Pluto moved out of Capricorn for the last time and entered Aquarius where it will be until 2043. One of the most fascinating things about astrology is that when planets move into certain signs or experience certain transits, world events that occur seem to echo the world events that took place the last time those particular planets moved into those positions. From early indications it looks like that’s happening again.
Looking back at the last Pluto in Aquarius
The last time Pluto moved into Aquarius the following historic events took place:
The American Revolution, which led to the American colonies winning freedom from England and founding the United States.
The French Revolution, a period of political transformation in France that led to the rise of Napoleon.
The Reign of Terror, a period during the French Revolution that was characterized by mass executions of citizens who were accused of being enemies of the state.
The ratification of the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments of the U.S. constitution, which was the foundation of what would become the ‘Great American Experiment’ of Democracy.
Are you starting to see a theme?
In astrology, the planet Pluto represents death, rebirth and transformation. Think of the Phoenix rising from its ashes, or total destruction that is often necessary to stamp out what’s not working so that something new can evolve. The sign of Aquarius concerns itself with revolutions and freedom.
Conflict in Syria: Echoes of the American and French revolutions?
Though conflict in Syria has been going on for years, events became much more intense over a matter of 12 days, which took place not long after Pluto moved into Aquarius. It’s almost as if the situation was waiting for this time to resolve itself. It will take time for this new regime to rebuild and for stability to be felt, but whatever comes of the regime change will be something new. Yes, this event echoes the societal significance of the French and U.S. revolutions.
CEO murder: A revolution against the upper class
Then there was this incident that captured world attention. A masked assassin murdered U.S. Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson in New York City as Thompson prepared to go to an investor’s conference. The shooting occurred in the middle of the street in the early morning of December 4. While the crime was heinous, perhaps the bigger news story was the reaction of Americans to the murder. People cheered the murder and idolized the assassin as they recounted how they had been oppressed and harmed by health insurance companies and other members of the millionaire and billionaire class. A suspect, 26-year-old Luigi Mangione, was eventually arrested. Early indications from the arrest suggest that he did have a vendetta against healthcare companies for taking advantage of the little people. The incident has some astrological themes of both Pluto (death) and Aquarius (revolution).
Clearly we have a long way to go since Pluto will be in Aquarius for decades. And we don’t know what’s going to happen during that time. However, these two events, which occurred within weeks of the transit’s beginning, can give us a clue about what may be to come.
Resources for more information
If you’re interested in learning more about this transit, here are a couple of books you may want to check out:
Pluto in Aquarius: Twenty years to change it all, by Roland Legrand
Pluto in Aquarius: A 20-year journey, by Jwanna Savoie-Powell