Everybody wants to manifest something. But when you try to manifest something and the timing is all wrong, it’s like hitting your head fruitlessly against a brick wall. My nephew was recently trying to manifest a job and went months without hearing anything from companies he had applied to work for. Then all of a sudden, as if a dam burst, he was flooded with interest from employers and several job offers.
The truth is there is a time for everything: a time to manifest, a time for release and a time for rest. The winter solstice is a prime time for manifestation. Here’s a winter solstice meditation to help you do so.
Spiritual meaning of winter solstice
Before we get into the meditation, let’s take a look at the winter solstice and its metaphysical meaning.
While many people think of spring as a time of rebirth and renewal, the truth is the winter solstice marks a new chapter in life. The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year — the day in which the most time is spent in darkness. But at the same time, it marks the moment that the light takes over; from that day forward the days get longer until the summer solstice when the shift toward darkness begins again.
If you were to compare the solar cycle to the lunar cycle, the winter solstice is like the new moon. On the night of the new moon, if you look in the sky, you only see darkness. The winter solstice is also known for its emphasis on darkness.
But from that darkness, new things can emerge. Think of it as a moment of pure potentiality. New moon periods are also excellent times for manifestation. I often start new projects or initiate new goals when a new moon happens at a favorable time in my chart. The same can be done during the winter solstice.

The following meditation is designed to identify areas of your life where you want to experience growth in the next cycle — the next 365 days.
To prepare for the meditation, record yourself saying the following:
On this winter solstice, I welcome growth and expansion in all areas of my life. As the light returns to the height of its power, so too does my energy, effectiveness and ability to manifest all that I desire. In particular, I will manifest (Add what you desire to manifest here).
Find a place where you won’t be disturbed for about 20 minutes. You can also set your clock to go off in 20 minutes. I often find it easier to meditate when I know there will be a clear cutoff time.
Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths to relax yourself. Play the recording. Then sit in silence and allow your thoughts to be free. Pay attention to whatever insights come up. When your clock goes off express your gratitude to the Universe and know that you’ve planted seeds energetically for your manifestations.