Learning how to interpret angel number meanings is one of the things that took my intuition to the next level. The best thing about them is I always feel like I’m in a dialog with the Universe. I’m not simply waiting for something to happen. If you’ve been exploring angel numbers, there are a few things that I’ve found many people seem to get wrong. Keep these things in mind as you work with these powerful repeating numbers.
Every angel number you see is for you. Nope.
This is what led me to start researching and writing about angel numbers in the first place.
A friend who is also interested in metaphysical topics has recently become obsessed with angel numbers. Well, maybe I shouldn’t say recently since this interest has been there for a couple of years. But recently, she’s started sending texts to me and another friend whenever she noticed the time reflecting an angel number.
So she might send a text to us at 3:33. And then maybe she’d send one to us at 4:44. And then she’d send one at 6:66. A couple days later — you got it, she’d send a text at 11:11.
I found it interesting that she was noticing so many angel numbers, but I wondered why she was sending them to us. When I asked, she said she kept looking up and seeing them so she wanted to share them with us. She wanted us to experience those angel numbers too.
That’s a nice thought, but those weren’t our angel numbers. We weren’t looking up and noticing them. Rather, she was pointing them out to us.
One of the most powerful things about angel numbers is that the magic is in you noticing them. Out of all of the things competing for your attention at the moment you were drawn to notice that clock or sign or receipt or title that contained the angel number. If you point it out to someone else, that number means NOTHING to them. If you didn’t notice the numbers yourself, the angel number meanings mean nothing.
Seeing an angel number repeatedly is a good thing. Not necessarily.
Some people feel giddy that they keep seeing 111 or 333 over and over again. They say that it means that angel number is particularly important or designates a big positive change.
It could very well be giving you a message about a big positive change, but the fact that you see it over and over again could also mean you’re not getting the message you’re supposed to be getting. One thing I’ve noticed about intuition: If I don’t get a message, it repeats itself. I may have a recurring dream. Or maybe I keep having the same vision. Whatever the case, I keep getting the message until I take the action I’m supposed to take.
I think seeing the same angel number repeatedly in a short period of time means there’s a message in it that you’re not getting and you need to sit with that angel number — maybe in meditation — and figure out what you’re supposed to do next.
Seeing an angel number is always a message of confirmation. Not always.
A lot of people think it’s enough to see an angel number, and the Universe is letting you know you’re on the right track. Maybe. In some cases, I imagine that is true. An angel number can be a sign of reassurance or a message that you’re exactly where you need to be. But angel numbers don’t have to mean that. Sometimes an angel number can be telling you to take action. For example, the number 5 often symbolizes change, so if you see 555, you might be getting a message to make a major change in your life. In this case, if you don’t take action, you might not be making the most of that angel number.
If you want to learn more about angel numbers, check out this angel number series that I’m working on. I’ll be adding to it regularly.