The more you work with your psychic abilities, the stronger they get. That’s just a given. You’ll start to know more things and feel the energy of others more fully. But what does it mean when you’re feeling strong energy from someone you’ve just met or someone you don’t know very well? A strong reaction…
March 2025 astrology: How to get through it
If you follow astrology or certain astrologers, you’ve probably been hearing about how historic March 2025 is likely to be. In fact, when it comes to March 2025 astrology, there are several astrological events that would be big deals on their own. The fact that they are all happening around the same time and, many,…
Did Octavia Butler predict Los Angeles wildfires?
This morning I woke up and checked Threads and saw a conversation about the prescience of the late writer Octavia Butler. People were calling her clairvoyant and that immediately got my attention. I’d read Butler’s book Kindred, a tale of time travel that I loved. In fact I loved it so much I’m not sure…
After death communication symbols
One of the biggest lessons we’ve learned from psychic mediums is that death is not a barrier keeping us from communicating with our loved ones. Instead, many of us have had experiences where our loved ones reached out to us from the other side. More than half of American adults believe they’ve interacted with a…
Do you need a new year uncrossing spell?
We all have good years and bad years. But before you write this year off as a bad one, consider whether your streak of bad luck has another cause. You may be suffering because of someone else’s negative intentions toward you (whether that person is conscious of those thoughts or not.) If that’s the case,…