If you struggle with money, it’s easy to blame your low salary, a string of bad luck or a bad financial choice (not to mention the bad choices of your loved ones). But the reason for your money problems could be more complex than that. The root cause of your financial challenges could be unresolved…
How to stop a bad dream in its tracks (or talk to your ex in your dreams)
If you’ve ever felt trapped in a nightmare, you would probably welcome the ability to know while you’re dreaming that you’re really dreaming. Imagine having the ability to stop a dream and say to yourself ‘this is a dream; I want to wake up now!’ You could stop nightmares in their tracks, or better yet,…
Can automatic writing help you connect to Spirit Guides?
Many people who are on the spiritual path desire to communicate more frequently with their Spirit Guides. One myth is that you need a psychic or other intermediary to help you to do so. The truth of the matter is our Spirit Guides are always trying to communicate with us. The question is: are we…
Powerball winner says numbers came in a dream
If you need any motivation to pay attention to your intuition and your dreams (or even to write down those dreams in a dream journal), you might get that kick in the pants when you hear about the Smith family who won a $429 million Powerball prize. The family matriarch and her seven adult children…
Can you attract a soulmate through lucid dreaming?
Can you use lucid dreaming to find your soulmate? Yes, says lucid dreaming expert Charlie Morley. Lucid dreaming is a state in which a part of your mind is conscious and aware that you are dreaming. As a result, you can literally control some elements of the dream. You might decide to explore a certain…