In an ideal world, we have a wonderful support system who believes in our dreams and encourages us to chase them. However, in reality, we sometimes find that our loved ones not only don’t believe in our dreams but they discourage us from pursuing them. In many cases our loved ones don’t mean us harm. They…
What psychics say about Trump
With Donald Trump being the presumptive Republican nominee for the 2016 presidential election, the world is wondering what’s in store between now and November. Nobody saw this coming. However, in Remote Viewing the Three Paths of Donald Trump, the Annapolis Remote Viewing Group gives their take and shares what may be in store for Trump…
Past Lives and Illnesses: What Your Aches and Pains may be Telling You
Is there a connection between past lives and illnesses? Everyone knows a hypochondriac — someone who always thinks they have an illness that they don’t really have. You know the signs. They hear about a disease or someone having a medical condition and they start thinking they have those symptoms. They may visit their doctor…
Ready for a shakeup? 5 Planets in Retrograde
And you thought Mercury Retrograde was bad. Many of us dread Mercury Retrograde because it often brings about slowdowns, setbacks and missed communications. It’s a time to take things cautiously, and if you can avoid making major purchases or signing important legal contracts until after it’s over, do so. This latest Mercury Retrograde runs from…
Can cats communicate telepathically?
Have you ever seen two cats staring at one another silently? If so, it’s hard not to wonder whether they are carrying on a conversation that you, as the resident human, are not privy to. Many psychics do believe, in fact, that cats are able to communicate telepathically, just as other animals are. Many also…