One of the most interesting concepts around is that of ‘counterpart selves.’ Many people have heard of soulmates, but counterpart selves are a slightly different concept. One way to explain it is to think of the concept of twins. Twins share the same DNA. Identical twins come from the same egg, yet they are two distinct…
Dreams of being chased: What do they mean
If you’ve had dreams about being chased, you’re not alone. Many people wake up drenched in sweat wondering what their dream was trying to tell them. Some people are chased by other people in their dreams, while others are chased by animals or entities they are unfamiliar with. Here are a couple of theories of…
Animal ghosts and their habits
Animal ghosts appear to be the most accommodating spirits that transition between the physical and spiritual realms. Research as far back as the Battle of Gettysburg include reports of brief appearances and limited revisits. At Gettysburg, some soldiers saw fleeting images of a horse carrying the corpse of a soldier. Historical accounts recall a hazy…
How to see auras
Auras have fascinated people for as long as humans have been walking the earth. Perhaps it is due to the mystical nature of them, or our innate need to explain things that are out of our so-called normal realm of reality. Auras are energy fields that surround our bodies. They appear as clouds that change…
Witches working to defeat Donald Trump
Donald Trump has proven to be very polarizing and divisive in the United States Presidential race. While many people are protesting his rallies to make their disgust with Trump known, some witches in Brooklyn are taking a different tactic. A writer and activist in Brooklyn named Yeni asked her mother, who practices Santeria, how she…