If you believe in reincarnation, it’s not a far stretch to believe that historical figures get a chance at another go-around. If we tend to carry the same themes from life to life, is it possible that Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler have a metaphysical connection? After all, if we all have past lives, why couldn’t…
What are soul fragments?
Many people talk about having an ‘empty feeling,’ or feeling incomplete. Well according to many metaphysicians and spiritual teachers, that feeling may exist because you literally are incomplete, in a sense. What you could be describing is the phenomenon of soul fragments, which literally means that pieces of your soul are not with your physical…
How do pendulums work?
There are many ways to access psychic information. Some people experience thoughts, feelings and sensations that provide psychic insights, but others turn to tools to help them. A pendulum is one such tool. Pendulums are tools that are weighted down so that they can swing back and forth. Think of a necklace chain with a…
Psychics chime in on Justice Scalia’s death
It’s not unusual for people to turn to psychics once someone has passed away to see if they had any insight into the matter. One psychic, LaMont Hamilton, may have actually seen Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death coming. In January 2015, he made the following prediction: At least two more males will be added to…
The people you should not invite to a seance
We all have loved ones who have crossed over to the other side that we would love to have a conversation with. We also all experience moments when we wish for supernatural guidance to move us along our path. A seance could help you to connect with those who are no longer in our physical world….