If you like predictions and watching to see whether or not they turn out to be accurate, you might be interested in a new book that purports to give you a preview of the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The book contains predictions about all of the candidates, not only answering the question of whether they will…
A major myth about crystal balls
One of the most well-known images of psychic ability is the crystal ball. How many times have you seen movies or television shows depicting a gypsy woman gazing into a crystal ball making crystal ball predictions? While a crystal ball is not necessary for accessing one’s psychic ability, it can help some people to more…
The gift of clairalience: Interpreting psychic smells
We all know what it’s like to walk into a room and feel over-powered by a particular scent. Or what it’s like to feel comforted by the aroma of a favorite home-cooked meal or the scent of a loved one’s perfume or cologne. But some people have a psychic ability that lets them experience scents…
Using a dream pillow to chase away nightmares
The time that we spend asleep should be pleasant. We all need sleep to rejuvenate our bodies and souls and to stay healthy. However, when our dreams are plagued by nightmares, we often experience anxiety just thinking about closing our eyes at night. Who wants to wake up in a cold sweat, with their heart…
Can Soulmates Read Each Others’ Thoughts?
If you long to meet a soulmate — someone you believe you will connect with on an extraordinary level — you are not alone. Or perhaps you have already met someone who you instinctively know on a deeper level. One quality such a relationship may have is you may be able to read one another’s…