It’s that time again, when people are thinking about the upcoming new year and predictions about what will happen in 2016. This year, a number of events occurred that were apparently predicted by psychics. Among them: the divorce of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, the New England Patriots winning the Super Bowl and even the rise of…
Should you use a used Tarot deck?
If you regularly work with Tarot cards or you want to start learning how to use Tarot cards, it’s important to choose a Tarot card deck that vibes with you. So what if someone offers to give you their deck of Tarot cards? Or what if someone who read Tarot cards passed away and you…
3 questions to ask at a New Year’s psychic reading
Earlier we spoke about how to frame the right questions for a Tarot card reading or a psychic reading. It’s important to go into a reading with the right frame of mind, and it helps to consider what type of information you’re looking for beforehand. That’s not to say that you can’t get anything out of…
Questions to ask before a Tarot card reading
If you want to get the most out of a Tarot card reading, it helps to have the right frame of mind. That means coming to the table with not just an open mind but the desire to receive answers that can help you to move forward. Ideally, you’ve taken some time to think about…
Did Bulgarian psychic predict rise of ISIS?
Have you ever heard of Baba Vanga? She was a blind psychic from Bulgaria who provided a number of psychic predictions believed to have come true. Among her psychic hits: She predicted the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center and the tsunami that devastated Indonesia back in 2004. Though Baba…