In Dale Mayer’s psychic thriller Hide’n Go Seek, the main character, a rescue volunteer named Kali, grapples with a growing psychic ability that spills out of her subconscious onto a canvas. In a subconscious haze, Kali paints murder scenes before the murders have been committed. Artists often talk about how they can get lost in their…
Are introverts more likely to be psychic?
Introverts can have it tough in a world that rewards extroverts. While extroverts feel energized by social situations and can enjoy activities such as networking, self-promotion and even dating, introverts sometimes feel drained by the activities that can help them to get ahead in life. However, when it comes to psychic ability, introverts may have…
Do psychics help police? In the UK they do
Do psychics really help police? In the United Kingdom, the answer is yes. The United Kingdom is one of the most open nations in the world as far as the acceptance of psychic activity is concerned. If you’re not convinced, just take a look at new guidelines that have been released by the College of…
Places most likely to be haunted
While the idea of ghost-hunting might seem scary or even crazy to some people, those who are drawn to psychic phenomena might consider it to be grand adventure. Not only are the stories behind the hauntings often fascinating, but ghost stories give us an opportunity to acknowledge how thin the veil between the living and…
TNT drama Proof tackles past lives, reincarnation
For those who are interested in past lives and reincarnation, a new series by TNT is tackling the question of what happens after death. The drama centers around a skeptical surgeon’s quest to find proof that life after death exists. Jennifer Beals stars as Dr. Carolyn Tyler, a surgeon who is hired by multi-billionaire Ivan…