There is a long history of people being terrorized and murdered for their spiritual beliefs. One of the spiritual belief systems that has been brutalized the most is Wicca, commonly referred to as witchcraft. Not only have people who practiced witchcraft been persecuted throughout history, but many people who did not follow the religion were…
How to recognize synchronicity
Have you ever experienced a coincidence that made you feel like you were on the right path? Maybe you wondered whether you should take a certain course of action and you heard a song come on the radio that had lyrics that applied to your situation. Or perhaps you ran into someone who gave you…
Does alcohol help or hinder psychic ability?
Psychic ability calls upon us to be aware of the subtle changes in our environment and what we are picking up subconsciously rather than what we perceive with our logical minds. So does alcohol help or hurt? It depends upon who you ask. Some say that alcohol dulls our senses causing us to no longer be…
Making a living as a psychic
It’s not unusual for someone with an interest in psychic readings to decide to strengthen their own psychic ability. You may take psychic classes to do this or practice giving readings to friends who are also interested in metaphysical concepts. After strengthening their psychic muscles, some people decide that they want to try to do…
Communicating with spirit babies — or unborn children
Many mothers say that they had a relationship with their children while those children were still in the womb. But can you have a relationship with your child before the child is even conceived? Many psychics and intuitives say the answer is yes. In fact, some believe that the energy of an unborn child can attach…