I received an email from someone who has been working for the last couple of years on strengthening her psychic ability. While she’s been frustrated at times because she didn’t think she was picking up all that she should be picking up with her intuition, this story clearly shows that her intuition is strong and…
Have you ever come across ‘Shadow People’?
There is a phenomenon that is getting more and more attention in paranormal circles: that of determining the origin of Shadow People. Shadow People are figures that many people claim to have seen. Typically, when people see them, it’s from the corner of the eye. You might notice a shadow to your right, but when…
Can psychic ability be turned off?
One of the greatest misconceptions that people have about psychics is that they are always on, or psychic 24 hours a day. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Psychic activity takes up plenty of energy and requires much sensitivity. It would be very difficult for someone to use psychic activity all of the time; in fact, it could…
What is the meaning of natural disaster dreams?
Have you ever had a dream about an earthquake, a tsunami or other natural disaster? What about a dream about not-so-natural disaster such as a plane crash? Many people who have experienced such dreams have wondered if that dream should be taken literally. Sometimes yes, but many times ‘no.’ There is no denying that many…
What to do When You Have a Recurring Dream
Having the same dream over and over again can be an empowering experience — if it’s a dream that you enjoy and understand. However, more frequently, it can be unsettling, particularly if it is a dream that leaves you feeling uneasy or one that you simply can’t comprehend. Many people who have recurring dreams wonder…