Negative thinking can be debilitating, squeezing all of the hope and joy out of your life. If it’s something you’re having a hard time keeping under control, a psychic attack directed at you by someone in your life may be the culprit. Whether you’re thinking the worst about your financial situation, your relationships, your health…
A past life guided meditation
Interested in learning more about one or more past lives? The best way is to try to relax and allow the memories to resurface from your subconscious. You may already have experienced some past life memories through dreams, deja vu and even some of your conscious thoughts. Your life patterns and habits may also hold…
A real past life story
The following story comes from a reader of this blog: I’ve always believed in past lives and I’ve even picked up on some fragments of past life memories. I’ve always been interested in metaphysics, healing and New Age phenomena. In fact, I know that I’ve had other lifetimes in which I was a healer of…
Can you block someone telepathically?
Telepathic communication can be a great experience — when both parties want to be in touch. But what happens when one person is intruding into another person’s telepathic space? It happens all the time. It is not unusual for people in love to develop telepathic connections. Somehow one person knows what the other is thinking….
The karmic lessons of Bill Cosby
It’s hard not to pay attention to the train wreck that is derailing Bill Cosby’s career. As woman after woman comes out to add her story to the mix, you can’t help but wonder if you might not know someone who has a story of being preyed upon by the famed comic. It’s hard to…