We’ve all heard ghost stories about the spirits of the deceased haunting a particular place. While real hauntings tend not to be as dramatic as in the movies, ghosts and hauntings are real phenomena. Ghosts are spirits that have not passed over to the other side and, instead, remain attached to the Earthly human plane…
Do walk-in spirits exist?
What if you made an agreement with another soul before your birth that you would be born into your current life, grow up with your chosen family and then depart your body once you reached a certain age so that the other soul could take over the living of your life? That’s what many of…
Why souls don’t reincarnate right away
If you’ve ever experienced a past life regression, you know that you’ve lived multiple times. When a loved one passes away, you may wonder if that loved one will return immediately, particularly if you know of someone who becomes pregnant soon after. In most cases, the answer is ‘no.’ When one life ends, there is…
Can a past life regression help you overcome a fear?
We all have fears. Whether we fear a state of being such as success or abandonment, or we fear a certain thing such as spiders or clowns, there is something that fills our very beings with dread and anxiety. In some cases, a fear can even stop you from moving forward with something in your…
How to be a medium: 3 ways to strengthen your abilities
If you’ve ever lost a loved one, it’s natural to ask ‘are mediums real’ and to want to make contact with those who are on the other side. Not only are mediums real, but you could very well have the abilities to contact those on the other side yourself. If you’re wondering how to be…