If you have a pet, you know how strong that connection can be between you and your furry friend. But can the link between you and your pet transcend this lifetime? Yes, it can. Your pet may, in fact, have shared a past life with you. Many people have had the experience of going to…
A new parallel universe theory emerges
Many people who have experienced deja vu and other time-related phenomenon have wondered whether it was possible that there might be parallel universes. Parallel universe theories describe multiple worlds operating in the same place and time sometimes interacting with one another. Some believe that we can live in parallel universes at the same time. According to…
Do we choose our parents before we are born?
Many people suffer from family woes, but what if you discovered that you chose your family and your life circumstances before you were born? That is actually a common belief among those who study past lives and lives between lives. When we enter the world through birth, we have already set up circumstances that will…
Can You Have More Than One Spirit Guide?
Spirit Guides are spiritual beings that take a vested interest in us and our spiritual development. Spirit Guides are basically assigned to us and they help us to move through different periods in our lives. Not only can you have more than one Spirit Guide, but most of us tend to have multiple spirit guides…
Magical spells: A sign that spells work
It’s natural for those who are interested in spells, whether they are love spells, money spells or even revenge spells, to wonder if magic is real. Not only are metaphysicians or those experiencing a spiritual awakening interested in this question, but scientists have also taken on the subject as well. There are many experiments that…