Everyone has psychic abilities, but for many of us those abilities lie latent in our subconscious and we are not even aware of them. We may visit a psychic and think that the psychic has special powers, when in reality, the psychic has merely fine-tuned capabilities that we all could make use of. Sometimes events…
Can lucid dreaming solve your problems?
We all have problems and challenges. We also all have inner wisdom that can give us the answers we need to solve our problems and challenges. Dreams often are a source of wisdom. We’ve heard stories of the power of dreams throughout history. If you’ve ever wanted to become more aware of what’s going on in…
Signs a child is remembering a past life
There are many cases of children remembering past life details. Perhaps children are more likely than adults to remember past life details because their past life is more recent to them. They don’t have as many events in their current lives to remember. Another reason could be that children tend to be more open to…
Boy identifies past life murderer
One of the most fascinating topics is past lives, and all of the information and insight that can be gleaned by learning about them. Many researchers are also exploring the scientific side of past lives — looking for evidence that they exist. One case that is documented occurred in the Middle East, near the border…
What your procrastination could be trying to tell you
Someone recently approached me about doing business together. At first it seemed like a great idea, but in a matter of days, I noticed the enthusiasm wearing away quickly and unexpectedly. There was no logical reason for me to not do business with this person. In fact, it seemed like a great idea. Yet, I…