The move ‘Lucy’ starring Scarlett Johansson has been met with mixed reviews and people seem to either love it or hate it. If you’re interested in psychic ability — and you likely are if you’re reading this site — you’ll probably enjoy the movie. Without giving away too much, the movie is about a young woman…
Can numerology predict marriage compatibility?
Have you found your soulmate or are you and your current partner just biding time? With half of all marriages ending in divorce, it makes sense to use an many resources as you can to determine whether someone is the right one for you. If there is someone in your life who you’ve been seeing, it’s natural…
How do psychics work? Learn for yourself.
If you find yourself drawn to television shows such as Long Island Medium, or you are fascinated by books and movies that delve into supernatural topics or the use of magic, you may find yourself wondering , ‘how do psychics work?’ You can read all the books and watch all the movies you want, but…
Why you should charge your Tarot deck
If you use Tarot cards to give psychic readings to yourself or others, you know that you develop a special relationship with your Tarot cards. You may find that some Tarot decks resonate with you more than others. You may also find that a particular deck that once worked well for you doesn’t have the…
Signs you’re experiencing a psychic awakening
Everyone has psychic abilities, but for many of us those abilities lie latent in our subconscious and we are not even aware of them. We may visit a psychic and think that the psychic has special powers, when in reality, the psychic has merely fine-tuned capabilities that we all could make use of. Sometimes events…