There are numerous misconceptions regarding people that follow the Wiccan religion varying from somewhat wrong to completely and utterly ridiculous. It is next to impossible to list them all because new ones pop up on a regular basis. The following are some the most common and longstanding fallacies regarding the Wiccan religion that are simply…
How past life details can help your current life
Nobody wants to remain a slave to the past, but if you don’t learn your past mistakes, you’re destined to repeat them again. The same thing goes with past lives. If you don’t know any of the past life details that influenced your spiritual development, you may live this life making the same painful mistakes…
What is automatic writing?
Have you ever had to write something and you didn’t know where to start? Then, suddenly, a burst of inspiration struck out of nowhere and the words just poured out of you? That’s happened to me. Many times. As a former journalist, I have seen many a day when I would be on deadline and…
How to identify your psychic ability
Everyone has some psychic abilities, but we don’t all have the same abilities. We all pick up information via psychic methods but the way you pick up information likely differs from the way that I pick up information. In order to figure out what your psychic ability is, you must first learn the difference between…
5 steps to interpret a dream
If you’re wondering what certain dreams mean, you’re not alone. There are many dream dictionaries and Web sites devoted to explaining dreams and telling you what your dreams are trying to reveal to you. But dream dictionaries and general dream interpretations are not the best way to interpret your dreams. Why? Because your dreams are…