Have you picked up on signs that your child is psychic? Do the following scenarios sound familiar? : Your child wakes you up terrified in the middle of the night. She says there is someone in her room. You go to her room and don’t see anyone. You comfort your child, and stay in her…
How to tell if your dog is sick
If you’re a dog lover, your four-legged friend is likely considered a part of the family. You spend time together, and you’ve probably become very good at sensing your dog’s moods. Your dog also likely knows how to read your emotions. Dogs and their owners typically have a telepathic connection. If you’ve ever been sad…
How to become a psychic medium
Have you ever wished that you could communicate with a loved one who has crossed over to the other side? You may very well be able to. Not only that, but you may be able to bring joy and comfort to others by communicating with the deceased loved ones of others. If you’ve ever seen…
Visitation Dreams: How a Deceased Loved One Connects
Have you ever had a dream in which a loved one who has crossed over to the other side contacts you in the dream? Have you wondered whether that was just a dream or whether the loved one has indeed communicated with you? It’s a good chance that was more than a dream and your…
When to act on a psychic dream
Have you ever had a dream that you felt instinctively was important? Maybe you woke up immediately and couldn’t get the dream out of your head. Or perhaps you had a recurring dream that continued to plague you. You may have had a psychic dream — a dream that is providing psychic advice for you…