While love spells and money spells get the most attention, there are spells to do all kinds of things, some of which you’d probably be surprised. For example, did you know you could use a spell to increase your chances of winning the lottery? Do you owe a lot of money on your credit cards?…
What are love binding spells?
Should you ever use magic to bind someone you love to you? Read on to see the pros and cons. Sometimes those who are in tune with their psychic abilities can just know that someone is their soulmate or is destined to be their life partner. But maybe the other person is not in touch with…
Burning sage to smudge your house
Updated October 19, 2019 Whether you’ve moved into a new home or you want to improve the energy of your current home, burning sage is one of the best ways to purify a space and rid it of negative energy. Sage is an herb that is used both for cooking and for medicinal purposes. When…
Can a psychic save a marriage from divorce?
Relationship troubles are always painful, but they can be particularly difficult if you think you’re headed for divorce. You may wonder if the marriage is worth saving. Or if it can be saved in the first place. If you do want to save your marriage, you may have no idea how to do so. You…
How to get a free numerology report
There are many different types of psychic insight. One of the most illuminating is a numerology report. Numerology is the study of numbers and the meanings behind them. With numerology, important personal numbers such as the number of your birth month, your birth date and your birth year are used to come up with insightful…