Whenever a group of people are widely persecuted, it’s usually because another group of people either a) fears them, b) misunderstands them, or c) both. In the case of witches, the answer is C. Throughout history we’ve seen stories of witches being persecuted from the Salem Witch Trials, to persecutions in Africa, Europe and all…
How to Speak to the Dead With a Medium’s Help
Have you ever wanted to speak to the dead? If you’ve ever lost someone you love, you know that it can be one of the worst pains you ever go through. Not only is the grieving process difficult, but you may feel sad at certain times of the year, such as on holidays or on…
5 reasons online psychic readers trump face-to-face psychics
You’ve been feeling a little uncertain about a particular area in your life. Perhaps your job isn’t going well and you’re wondering if the challenging times will blow over or if you should get your resume out into circulation. Maybe you’re concerned about money. You have a lot of bills that are piling up and…
Signs that your boyfriend is cheating
You’ve been with your significant other for quite some time. The relationship has brought you a lot of joy and you really believe him to be the one. But something recently has changed. He still spends time with you, just not as much as he used to. He says work has been challenging and taking…
How to miss meeting your soulmate
If you’re hoping to find your soulmate, it’s just as important to know what not to do as it is to know what you should do. Yes, the Universe will conspire with you to bring your soulmate to you, but you can literally walk right past him or her and miss out on what could…