If you’ve ever been the giver of unrequited love, chances are you’ve wished there was some type of spell that you could use to entice the object of your affections to feel the same way. You may be happy to know that there are love spells, and they can help you to attract love into…
A way to ward off a curse
If you understand how energy works, you know that curses are real. Not only can someone give you an energetic boost by wishing good things to happen to you, but someone can transmit negative energy your way by sending ill-will or thoughts of jealousy toward you. However, one way to protect yourself from the bad intentions…
Did psychics predict recent meteor activity?
Most likely you’ve heard of the recent headline-grabbing news from the sky. First a meteor soared through the skies in the Russian region of Chelyabinsk on Friday, injuring more than 1,000 people and blowing out windows across the area. The terrifying event left many people fearing for their lives and wondering if it was the…
Why that psychic hasn’t won the lottery
If you’ve ever been in a conversation with a skeptic trying to prove to you that psychics are fake, you’ve probably heard him or her say, “If psychics are real, then how come they don’t pick the winning lottery numbers?” While the skeptic may think he’s pretty smart to come up with that line of…
How a psychic can help with finances
People have all kinds of beliefs about psychics and what a psychic can do for them. Some beliefs are accurate while others are a little flawed. A psychic cannot live your life for you; psychics are meant to guide you along the way, but they won’t take away your ability to make choices in your…