So we’ve been talking about how intuition is a great way for us to empower ourselves and listen to our higher voices, but it can also be fun. With 2010 behind us, it’s time for the crystal balls to come out and the predictions to flow. Whether you’re interested in global happenings, politics or celebrities,…
Set Intentions, Not Resolutions
One of the reasons many of us have such a hard time with intuition is because we live in societies that value action. No where is this more evident than around the New Year when we make resolutions to change our worlds in the next twelve months. We will do this. We won’t do that….
Be Open for Answers
Yesterday I wrote about engaging intuition by asking the right questions. Intuition is designed to help you achieve your best life. If you ask no questions, you’re letting the universe know that you’re complacent; there’s nothing you need to know. But in order to engage the flow of intuition, you’ve also got to be open…
Intuition on Demand: Bring on the Questions
Many people can recall a time when they just ‘knew’ something even though they logically had no way of knowing it. And we’ve all had our hunches that came true, when we said, ‘I knew that was going to happen.’ I call those intuition quick hits – they come out of nowhere; we never know…
Raising Intuitive Kids
It’s been said that children are the most intuitive because they have not been conditioned to value logic over intuition and feeling. The following article lends credence to that belief. A small child heard the roaring wind outside, got scared and ran out of her room into her mother’s bed. Later that night, a tree…