Every time you let a cold run its course, you’re showing faith in the belief that your body instinctively knows how to heal itself. There’s an amazing story published in the online medical journal Lancet that gives more credence to this belief. In 1995, British doctors implanted a donor heart directly on top of a…
Recognizing Your Body’s Cues
While many people think of intuition as an emotional process, it can also be experienced as a physical sensation. Whenever I’m in a place I don’t want to be or around someone I dislike, I feel a tightness in my shoulders and chest, almost as if I can’t catch my breath. On the flip side,…
Slowing Things Down…One Task at a Time
In my quest to live more intuitively, I’m making a conscious effort to slow things down. While I’m accustomed to doing multiple things at once like talking on the phone as I’m cleaning the kitchen and finishing up my bills, I’ve read that multitasking keeps us from being present in the moment where our intuition…
Summer Intuitive Reading….
One of my favorite summer leisure activities is sitting in the sun with a good mystery book, so in honor of the Fourth of July holiday weekend I thought I’d suggest a few of my fiction favorites in which intuition plays a key role in the storyline or plot. —Victoria Laurie’s Psychic Eye Series: These…
How Intuition Inspired the Mac
The best testimonies about the value of intuition come from people who are unarguably successful. In this excerpt from a commencement speech at Stanford University given by legendary Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs a few years back, Jobs talks about following intuitive choices throughout his life that had no practical value at the time. Yet,…