Can another spirit walk-in and take over your body? While the idea may sound far-fetched, if you know anything about mediumship and channeling, the idea is not so far out there, after all. A walk-in spirit is one that takes over the body that another soul originally inhabited, either temporarily or permanently. If a walk-in…
Signs You Have a Psychic Connection With Someone
While it’s possible to pick up psychic information on anyone under the right circumstances, there are certain individuals who you may share a particularly strong psychic connection with. When you have a psychic connection with someone, you immediately know things about them that go way beyond the surface. This is not information that you gathered…
Your Tarot Cards Can Keep Your Life From Blowing Up. Here’s How.
What’s the use of learning to use tarot cards if you’re not going to use them to figure out the complicated stuff that’s going on in your life? If your tarot cards are sitting in a corner collecting dust, you may be missing out on the tarot messages that will help you get what you…
How to Sense Someone’s Vibes Over Zoom
Do you regularly get good or bad vibes about people just by being around them? If so, you may feel like you’re losing your superpower if you’re forced to communicate with others via Zoom or some other virtual collaboration tool. Luckily, that does not have to be the case. There is no doubt the year…
How to Identify Your Psychic Symbols
While a person who is clairaudient may literally hear their intuition speak to them using words, more often, you’ll likely receive psychic messages via symbols. But how do you know what the symbols mean? Your intuition speaks to you in a language made up of psychic symbols. Just as you would learn how to speak…