What’s the use of learning to use tarot cards if you’re not going to use them to figure out the complicated stuff that’s going on in your life? If your tarot cards are sitting in a corner collecting dust, you may be missing out on the tarot messages that will help you get what you…
How to Sense Someone’s Vibes Over Zoom
Do you regularly get good or bad vibes about people just by being around them? If so, you may feel like you’re losing your superpower if you’re forced to communicate with others via Zoom or some other virtual collaboration tool. Luckily, that does not have to be the case. There is no doubt the year…
How to Identify Your Psychic Symbols
While a person who is clairaudient may literally hear their intuition speak to them using words, more often, you’ll likely receive psychic messages via symbols. But how do you know what the symbols mean? Your intuition speaks to you in a language made up of psychic symbols. Just as you would learn how to speak…
6 Types of Psychic Messages and How to Tell Them Apart
As you start to develop your psychic abilities and begin receiving psychic messages, one thing will become apparent: All psychic messages are not the same. There are different types of psychic messages that have different purposes. For example, one message might require you to take action while another may simply be helping you to see…
Review: The Secrets of the Tarot
As a longtime student of the Tarot, I can tell you there is always more to learn. Whether you are a Tarot newbie or you’ve been reading the cards for years, you can always benefit from hearing a new perspective on the cards and their meanings. For those looking for a different perspective or who…