Psychic messages are all around us. You don’t have to pull out a deck of tarot cards or look into a crystal ball to start noticing synchronicities and other intuitive messages. I recently came across a possible tarot message about the Black Lives Matter protests. Earlier this week during the protests against police violence and systemic…
Eclipse Season 2020: A Pandemic, Uprisings and Personal Transformation
You don’t have to be a news junkie to realize that the world is undergoing massive change. And astrologically, those changes are likely to be amplified even more now that we’ve entered Eclipse Season 2020. June 5, 2020 kicks off three different eclipses, and if you have an understanding, or at least a respect, for…
Is Venus Retrograde Messing With Your Relationships Right Now?
So it’s been nearly a month since Venus went into retrograde on May 13, 2020. That’s plenty of time for you to start seeing how this planet’s introspective period is impacting you. Here’s a hint: take a look at your relationships and what’s gone down with them in the last couple of weeks. When a…
11 Tips for Developing Your Clairvoyance Skills
While some people may be natural born clairvoyants, others may develop their clairvoyance skills by working at them. Building your clairvoyance skills can literally transform your life, particularly if you are struggling with doubts or wondering if you have made the right decision about something important. We all want answers in our lives. Clairvoyance is…
A Psychic Tool for Finding Love Through Online Dating
Finding a date virtually may be your safest bet in a socially-distanced world. Here’s how a pendulum can help you with online dating. If you’re single and wearing masks these days to cut your risk of contracting COVID-19 (and public health officials and scientists definitely recommend that you do that), you may wondering whether the…