A psychic shield can protect you from negative energy and outcomes. If you are in physical danger, a psychic shield can be the only thing standing between you and harm. There are all kinds of situations we can find ourselves in where we may feel vulnerable to some type of danger. Maybe we fear for…
It’s Aquarius Season: Here’s How it May Affect You
Every time the sun moves into a new zodiac sign, the prevailing astrological energy changes. From January 20 to February 18 Aquarius season will be in full effect. Here’s what you can expect. Do you know anyone who is an Aquarius? If so, then you may have an idea of what Aquarius season has in…
Angel Signs: How to Know an Angel is Near
Have you ever wondered if your guardian angel was watching over you? Maybe you sought guidance from Archangel Raphael? Chances are your angels have you in their sights. These angel signs suggest an angel may be nearby. Angels are beings who guide us, protect us and aid the Universe in helping us to evolve. Angels…
Love Crystals to Help You Get to the Altar
You probably know that you can use Rose Quartz to attract love. But what about when you’ve attracted love and you’re ready to take that relationship to the next level? If that’s your intention, Rose Quartz may not be your best option. Try these crystals instead. How crystals help your vibe So why would you…
The Emperor is the Tarot Card of 2020. Here’s What That Means
Every year takes on the energy of a particular tarot card. The way to figure out which card rules the year is through numerology. The year 2020 breaks down to the number 4 (2+0+2+0=4). If you’re familiar with tarot cards, you likely know that the fourth card in the Major Arcana is the Emperor. Therefore,…