People marry for many reasons. Some marry for love, some marry for money and some marry because they have business from a past life that needs finishing. A karmic marriage is between two people with past life baggage between them that needs to be dealt with. Rarely are such marriages characterized by smooth sailing. One…
Signs Your Spirit Guides are Trying to Contact You
We all have Spirit Guides who are there to help us navigate through life. They help us overcome challenges and often will nudge us in the right direction. While we can call on them when we need their help, sometimes we may be veering down a wrong path and not even realize it. If they…
How to Undo a Spell: What You Need to Know
If you’re interested in learning how to use spells to get what you want, make sure you also understand how to undo a spell. While people have all kinds of notions about what a spell is and what it is not, I stand firm in the belief that a a spell is simply focused intention….
How a spiritual bath can combat negative energy
Most of us know what it feels like to encounter negative energy. Maybe there’s someone negative at work or we have an argument with a loved one. Maybe we even experience negative energy from a stranger or in a location that we have to be in. Unfortunately, that negative energy can cling to us and…
Claircognizance: Signs You Have This Psychic Gift
Do you always have correct gut instincts? Can you predict what other people will do or say? Do you often wake up with solutions without thinking about them? If any of that sounds familiar, claircognizance may be one of your psychic abilities. What is claircognizance? The psychic gift of claircognizance specifically refers to knowing an…