While everyone has psychic ability, we all experience it in different ways. You may be an empath, meaning you pick up on others’ emotions. Your best friend may be clairvoyant, meaning she sees images of events that have yet to happen. But do you have telepathic abilities? Telepaths are those who can communicate with others…
How to Pick Up on the Energy of a Place
Have you ever visited a place that gave you the creeps or literally made the hair on your body stand on end? Maybe it was a house or a hospital or even a cemetery? If you are clairsentient or you are an empath, you may have had this experience multiple times since you’re likely able…
Psychic Energy Overload: How to Protect Yourself
One mistake some people make when they first start to open up to their psychic abilities is they do too much too fast and overwhelm their systems with psychic energy. After all, it’s easy to become excited when you first start to learn about psychic abilities and realize that you have them. However, moving too…
Psychic Experiences: Where to Read About Them Online
Psychic experiences can be life-changing and sometimes they can even be scary. So when you have one, it’s normal to want to find others who can help you understand what just happened to you. Unfortunately that’s sometimes easier said than done. The first time I had a psychic dream that later came true, I was…
Why Every Couple Needs an Akashic Record Reading
No relationship is easy 100 percent of the time. Ask any long-term couple and they will tell you there will be good times and bad. But when the bad times come around, you may be wondering if the relationship is worth saving. An Akashic Record reading can give you surprising insights into your relationship that…