No relationship is easy 100 percent of the time. Ask any long-term couple and they will tell you there will be good times and bad. But when the bad times come around, you may be wondering if the relationship is worth saving. An Akashic Record reading can give you surprising insights into your relationship that…
Mental Telepathy Between Lovers: An Exercise to Try
Some things may be difficult to say to your partner. Maybe you want to apologize for messing up in the relationship. Perhaps you want to ask your partner about their feelings for you or you are ready to share your feelings for them, but you’re a little nervous. Mental telepathy between lovers is a gift…
How to Invite Someone Into Your Dreams
Dreams can give us insight into what’s going on in our subconscious. But they can also be portals where we can receive psychic information or connect with our loved ones on the other side. However, I’ve recently heard of a technique where you can have shared dreams with a loved one. You can literally use…
Attracting Love with Tarot Cards: How to do it
Is attracting love one of the goals for your life? If so, a handy Tarot card deck may be able to help you achieve your goal. Chances are you know that Tarot cards can be used to gain psychic insight into current, future and past events. However, they can also be used for manifestation purposes…
Surviving — and Thriving — During Mercury Retrograde Fall 2019
Yes, Mercury Retrograde rolls around again on October 31, 2019 at 11:41 a.m. EST. Halloween, no doubt. This time, Mercury reverses direction in Scorpio until November 20, 2019, suggesting that things you’ve kept under the surface may begin to materialize for the world — and for yourself — to see. If you know your natal…