Many people have thought about sharing their expertise with the general public through non-fiction. But if you are a lightworker, the time to write a book may be right now. A lightworker recently scored a six-figure publishing deal on a book about chakras and publishing houses are looking for more authors who can produce content about…
Astrological Forecast: The Week Ahead: August 18 – August 25
The Sun continues to make its way through Leo until Friday August 23, when it moves into Virgo and Virgo season begins. With Leo front and center, don’t be surprised if you have a flair for the dramatic or want to be noticed for your efforts during the early part of the week. But once…
Totem Animals: What You Need to Know About Them
When you embrace a metaphysical life, you accept the idea that everything has an underlying meaning. While some may laugh at the fact that you see messages in EVERYTHING, you recognize that divine guidance is always at hand when you pay attention. One way the Universe communicates with us is through spirit guides. When these…
4 Things to do When You’re Overwhelmed By Someone’s Energy
Any type of psychic ability takes a little getting used to, but empaths have a particularly tough way to go. Empaths can literally feel like they are carrying the weight of world on their shoulders — and in a way they are. Empaths have the gift of clairsentience. They take on the emotions of others…
How Zener Cards Can Make You More Telepathic
If the idea of sending and receiving telepathic messages excites you, then you owe it to yourself to take steps to strengthen your telepathic abilities. Sure, some people are natural born telepaths; but even if you’ve never had a telepathic thought in your life, there are exercises you can use to enhance your abilities. If…