We’ve all heard great things about meditation. It can improve our health, calm our nerves and enhance out psychic abilities. But I’m going to be honest. Meditation can be hard. There’s something intimidating about sitting still and relinquishing control of our thoughts. We like to believe that we are in control of our minds; yet…
4 Triggers of a Past Life Memory
Have you ever had a long-forgotten memory from childhood suddenly pop up in your mind out of nowhere? Maybe a new co-worker at your job made you think of your first grade teacher who hadn’t crossed your mind in decades. Or perhaps an old song brought to mind an argument with a loved one you’d…
A Q&A With YouTube Tarot Reader Seanna Rose
If you’re a fan of political Tarot card readings, perhaps you’ve come across the YouTube channel of Seanna Rose. I stumbled across her channel one day when I was looking for clues about what to expect from the Mueller Report and I’ve been a fan ever since. Rose has been building a following as a…
Dream Signals You’re Manifesting New Love
When we pay attention to the Universe, we often get signs and symbols that we’re on the right track. Or we may get a warning that we’re veering off in the wrong direction. Our dreams can be particularly informative, giving us insight into current challenges and dropping hints that we’re on the path we want…
How to Identify the Sender of a Telepathic Message
It’s not always that evident Learning to use telepathy isn’t always so cut and dry. Not only can it be challenging to get messages across from one person to another, but receiving them can be difficult as well, particularly when you’re just starting to pay attention to your telepathic abilities. The truth is we are…