Full moons are about completion and seeing evidence of the seeds planted during the previous new moon. Did you journal about what you want to manifest around the most recent new moon? If so, check in on those things to see what progress has been made. This month, the full moon enters Scorpio on May…
How to Find an Evidential Medium
I’ll admit I never thought about visiting with a psychic medium until after my father passed away. When you lose a loved one, I think it’s natural to want to reach out to them and speak to them again. So if someone claims to be able to help you do it, the temptation can be…
Psychic Predictions: Trump Tarot Readers
Today’s political climate has made a fortune for a lot of businesses ranging from cable news networks to publishers hawking tell-all political books. Another group that’s benefiting — a new wave of political tarot card readers who are building a following by making predictions about what will happen next during the presidency of Donald Trump….
Channeling Spirits: Signs You Are a Channeler
Some psychics see visions. Others have psychic hearing and yet others sense things. However, channelers take psychic ability to another level as they literally allow information from another spiritual being to come through them. What is channeling? Channeling spirits is the process of allowing a non-physical entity to communicate through you. When someone channels, the…
Are Spirit Guides Assigned or Chosen?
Nobody wants to go through life alone, and thanks to your Spirit Guides you don’t have to. Your Spirit Guides are always in your corner and ready to help you in any way that they can. But how did your relationship with your Spirit Guides come to be? Did they choose you? Were they assigned…