Between setting intentions and performing release rituals, I decided to look up some of the psychic predictions for 2024. While some I could have predicted by simply following the latest news reports, I will admit that others were a little surprising. I’ve found that psychic predictions tend to be on the doom and gloom side,…
Need an astrological calendar for 2024? Try this
What if you could schedule a meeting to discuss a raise with your boss on a day when you knew your communication skills would be top-notch and others would be receptive to everything you had to say? In other words, a day when the stars and planets aligned with your natal chart? If you’re thinking…
How a water experiment with words can jumpstart your affirmations
Have you ever heard of the water experiment with words conducted by Dr. Masuru Emoto? Dr. Emoto was a Japanese scientist whose work had to do with the power that our thoughts and words have over our reality. Through his experiments he found that when water has negative intentions and words directed at it, the…
A full moon circle: An intensification of healing energy
I’ve always been partial to moon cycles. I love the possibility that the new moon represents and I love the power that the full moon unleashes. I’ve performed rituals during the new and full moons — some I’ve learned from others and some I’ve made up myself. I’ve also frequently engaged in candle magic, lighting…
A psychic encounter in a pizza shop
You never know when you’re going to have a psychic hit. You also never know when you’re going to meet someone who has psychic insight into your life. The latter happened to me today in a pizza shop of all places. Readers of this blog may know that I had a bout with pancreatic cancer….