Who wants to make a psychic prediction? The only way to enhance your psychic ability is to practice using it. One of the best exercises is to use it to glean information about current events. Then, over time you’ll be able to see if you are right. So here’s an exercise ripped right from the…
How You Died in a Past Life — and Why it Matters
I’ve always had an unexplainable fear of fire. For many years, I couldn’t even light a candle without feeling anxious. which has led me to wonder: did I die in a fire in a past life? Apparently my question is not so far-fetched. Turns out, it’s not unusual for us to have fears that are…
Full Moon in Pisces: August 26, 2018 ~ What to Expect
This morning I woke up feeling exhausted. And moody. Rife with heavy emotions. I didn’t fight it. Recognizing that we’re on the cusp of the full moon in Pisces, I knew that I typically feel more emotional during the full moon than during other times. Couple that with the fact that I’ve entered Virgo season,…
8 Guilty Counts: The Numerology Behind the Manafort, Cohen Cases
Like many people, I was riveted today to the news that the trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was coming to an end. Then, when news broke that Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former lawyer, was pleading guilty, I knew I’d be glued to the cable news channel all night. But something jumped out…
#UniteTheRight: How Positive Energy (and Black Tourmaline) Drove Out White Nationalists
Sunday I went to Washington, DC to stand with those who were protesting the presence of White nationalists marching for the #UnitetheRight rally. By the time I got there, armed with my black tourmaline, a crystal that offers protection from lower energies, the nationalists had already disbursed (Was that black tourmaline working, or what?). Only…