Have you ever been going about your day only to stop and feel like you’ve lived that moment before? Maybe you were having a conversation and knew how the dialog was going to go even as the conversation was still taking place. Or perhaps you arrived someplace you’d never been only to recognize it and…
Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse July 2018: How to Prepare
If you pay attention to astrology or have ever taken an astrology course, you likely know that eclipses can be powerful turning points. Those who are sensitive to the energy of the moon also will probably have tales about life events that took place around an eclipse. July 2018’s Lunar Eclipse on the 27th will…
Physical Empath or Hypochondriac? Which One Are You?
Do you do an Internet search when you have an ache or pain, and feel like you might have a dreaded disease? Do you hear about someone else’s ailment and find yourself feeling the symptoms? Do you sometimes have aches and pains that can’t be explained by a doctor or anyone else? If you’ve ever…
Signs You Were a Witch in a Past Life
A past life regression can teach you a lot about yourself. You may find that you lived a life much different from your life today. However, you don’t have to have a past life regression to remember certain aspects of a past life. If you were a witch in a past life, there are a…
Telepathic Messages From the Dead: How to Receive Them
As your telepathic skills grow, you might realize that you not only can receive telepathic messages from your friends and other living loved ones, but you may be able to also receive telepathic messages from the dead. When loved ones pass away, they often find ways to communicate with us — if we’re open to…