Many people spend a lot of time and energy looking for soulmates. But there’s no need to worry: we will meet up with them when the timing is right. The bigger question is whether we will recognize our soulmates when they show up. Luckily signs of soulmate encounter do exist. Soulmates are those who are…
Near Death Experiences: Why Some Have Them and Others Don’t
Near death experiences are not uncommon. Yet an NDE isn’t an experience that most people can truthfully admit to having had. So why do some people have visions of the afterlife and get a chance to choose life over death while others don’t? What is an NDE? When people recount near death experiences, the stories…
How to Talk to Dead Pets: Speaking with Dead Spirits
For pet owners, one of the most traumatic and heartbreaking events can be the loss of a beloved pet. Pets are faithful companions; in fact, many people consider a pet to be a child. So learning how to talk to dead pets can be a goal that some pet lovers have at some point in…
Psychic Detective Series: Fiction Mirrors Truth
New show features a psychic medium who works in law enforcement Many law enforcement agencies quietly work with psychics The CIA even released a paper advising law enforcement agencies on how to work with psychics Ever thought about visiting a psychic detective to help you solve a crime? Such professionals do exist, and a new…
Ronan Farrow: Inner Voice Paved Way for #MeToo
Ronan Farrow is showing himself to be the Journalist That Could. It was Farrow who first broke the story that rocked the cultural landscape with his New Yorker article alleging that Harvey Weinstein is a sexual predator. And that story sparked other women to come out and share their stories leading to the #MeToo movement and…