You don’t have to be a pet lover to have animals play a profound impact on your life. In fact, whether you like pets or not, we all have animal spirit guides. Often referred to as power animals, animal guides are similar to spirit guides; they help us and give us messages as we move…
Signs You are Dating a Telepath
Have you ever dated a telepath? While the concept of being able to communicate telepathically with a lover can be intriguing, it might not be so great to be dating someone who is a much more powerful telepath than you are. We all have some telepathic capabilities, but a telepath is someone who has a…
Reincarnation Stories: Recognizing Past Life Lovers and Friends
Reincarnation stories: we all have them. And you may know more about yours than you think. Reincarnation is the belief that we have lived past lives; after we die, we are reborn to life after life. Reincarnation stories can be fascinating, particularly when you intuitively feel that you are picking up information about your own…
Should Chasers Give Up on a Twin Flame Reunion?
While many people dream of finding their twin flame, a twin flame reunion can be a painful and long experience. Twin flame relationships are notorious for being full of angst and ups and downs and separations and reunions. In fact, if you’re looking for a stable life and the classic white picket fence, you may…
Is a Twin Flame Runner Aware of the Connection?
Twin flame runners are one of the most frustrating aspects of the twin flame relationship. If you’ve been blessed to experience a relationship with a twin flame, you may know the pain of having a runner inexplicably end the relationship. But are they aware of what they are doing?Or perhaps you are the twin flame…