I’m not going to mince words here. Some dreams and nightmares can be terrifying. I recently had a nightmare where a client had kidnapped me. I managed to escape but the client and a stranger were chasing me in the dark. In this nightmare, I realized that I was dreaming and I kept willing myself…
Toxic relationship? Cutting energy cords with needy friends
We’ve all had the experience of being caught up in a toxic relationship. While we often think about this term when describing romantic partners, we can also experience a toxic relationship with a platonic friend. One of the most toxic kinds of relationships are those with people who are needy and constantly sapping our energy….
Build work confidence with these throat chakra tips
If you find yourself holding back at a meeting or afraid to tell your boss what you really think, your throat chakra may be holding you back. Have you ever noticed that the people who speak up at work the loudest seem to always get ahead? Even when their thoughts aren’t original and they are…
Past life memories: Why you’re having that memory now
Past life memories can be exciting to explore — except when they are painful or scary or simply not pleasant. If you’ve ever had a nightmare that felt familiar or had a nagging, unsettling feeling of deja-vu, you know what I’m talking about. A friend once described recalling a past life memory in which she…
How your fashion sense can help with chakra balancing
I don’t know about you, but every so often I feel like there is nothing in my closet that I want to wear. I’ll have plenty of clothes that used to suit me just fine, but suddenly I’ll be repelled by outfits I used to wear religiously. At first I thought I was just being…