Sometimes if thoughts of someone keep popping into our heads, we are picking up on the fact that the person is thinking about us. You can read more about that here. But did you know it can go both ways? You can also use telepathy to make someone think of you.Why would you want to do…
How to keep a psychic journal
One of the best things you can do to strengthen your psychic ability is to keep a psychic journal. This is where you will take down insights you get, intuitions that you experience, as well as other spiritual occurrences. Here are some reasons why psychic journals are powerful. They help you to remember important insights….
How to develop telepathy by talking to plants
Telepathy is a powerful psychic ability and there are many ways a telepathic connection can be useful. But what’s the point in reading about telepathy if you don’t know how to use telepathic skills? Some of us are stronger natural telepaths than others, but we all can develop telepathy skills and learn to communicate with…
Signs you are clairvoyant
Of all of the types of psychic ability, I think clairvoyance is among the most understood–and the least understood. In fact, some people wrongly think that if you are psychic, you must be clairvoyant. That can’t be further from the truth. Clairvoyance refers to ‘clear seeing,’ or the ability to pick up on psychic ability…
How to protect yourself from energy vampires
Have you ever met someone who seemed to drain the energy from inside of you when you were in their presence? If you are particularly sensitive to psychic energy, which you likely are if you are reading this blog, you’ll be feeling great and you run into this person or they call you on the…