If you’re looking for spiritual guidance about a particular area of your life, there is good news: the Universe offers its messages through so many different vehicles. One is through animals. If an animal crosses your path or if you dream about it, it has a message for you that you can apply to your…
Can You Make Someone Dream About You?
As larger-than-life and wonderful as your dreamworld can be, can you imagine purposely sharing a dream with someone you love and trust? Or better yet, can you make someone dream about you? You may be surprised to find that in some cases when both people are open and willing, the answer is yes. It is…
Using Essential Oils for Magic
There is a huge myth that those who perform rites of magic are special or have some type of extraordinary power. Think Pru, Phoebe, Piper and Paige in Charmed. Wouldn’t you love to have their abilities? The truth is everyone has the ability to make a little magic if they know how to use different metaphysical…
How to Bond With Your Tarot Deck While You Sleep
We talked about how sleeping with a tarot card under your pillow can help you to get psychic insights while you sleep. There is another reason why you might want to sleep with a tarot card under your pillow. Doing so can help you to connect or bond with your tarot deck. If you begin…
A Way to Bond With Your Tarot Cards
Are you wanting more guidance or clarification about something that is going on in your life? Do you want to get psychic insights into your love life or your financial situation tonight before you go to sleep? One technique that may help you bond with your tarot cards — and get more detailed answers from…