Telepathy–the ability to communicate non-verbally mind to mind– is a skill that many of us can strengthen if we work at it. Mastering your telepathy techniques requires a belief in them and a willingness to be open to the unexpected. However, one thing that can affect your ability to send or receive a telepathic message…
Can a Precognitive Dream be Stopped?
Have you ever dreamt about something only to have it later happen? Maybe you dreamt about a conversation with a person and a few days later the person called you up and the conversation took place much like it did in the dream. Some people dream about tragedies such as plane crashes before they happen….
Psychic Predictions for 2018
One of the best things about the arrival of the new year is making psychic predictions about what is going to happen. Every year we do a roundup to see what some of the world’s top psychics have to say about the year ahead. Last year, politics was on the mind of many since there…
3 Reasons to Get a New Year’s Psychic Reading
Psychic readings can be helpful at any time of year, particularly when you are lacking clarity about something in your life. If you’re not sure whether a relationship is worth holding onto, a psychic reading can help. If you’re wondering if you should apply for that new job, a psychic reading can help. But psychic…
Mercury Retrograde’s After-Effects and Other Holiday Advice
For some people, this holiday season has been a doozy. You had the Solstice, and you also had Mercury Retrograde rearing its head through much of December. On Friday, December 22, the retrograde ended and Mercury went direct again, but we thought it might be worth reminding you why you may not be quite out…