If you’ve ever been interested in working with your dreams, you may have contemplated lucid dreaming at some point. The idea of actively and consciously taking part in your dreams can be appealing. I was recently reading an online forum where lucid dreamers were sharing their experiences. They talked about being able to fly in…
How to Avoid Family Holiday Drama With Crystals
There is a popular idea about the holidays. It goes something like this: Family members who you haven’t seen in months or years get together to break bread. Cousin Kelly catches you up on her life as a new mother and all of the firsts that her brilliant toddler has achieved in the first year….
Could Bad Vibes Indicate a Past Life Memory?
If you’ve ever met someone who you instantly connected with, you know how great that feels. It is even possible that you might have shared a past life with this person. But the opposite scenario could occur too. You could meet someone and feel totally creeped out by the person and have no desire to…
What to do With Wedding Ring After Divorce? Bad Energy?
I heard a fascinating question today. A reader was wondering what to do with a wedding ring after divorce and asked whether a wedding ring could have bad energy attached. She wondered whether she might experience bad luck by holding onto her wedding ring. Could holding onto her wedding ring block her from meeting someone…
Meaning of 1111: What This Auspicious Number is Telling You
I’m always looking out for signs and synchronicity. One of the signs that get my attention the most are repetitive numbers, such as 1111, 2222, 3333 etc. In recent weeks, I’ve been noticing these repetitive numbers more and more. Whenever I see one, I take it as a sign that I’m moving in the right…