Sometimes it seems like Mercury Retrograde is always here. You know that time that occurs a few times per year when the planet Mercury slows down in its revolution around the sun and everything seems to go wrong in your life?!? You break up with your significant other, during that timeframe. Blame it on Mercury Retrograde….
Are there dangers to dabbling in the occult?
Are you interested in psychic phenomena, yet afraid to pursue those interests because you fear that doing so might be dangerous? If so, you’re not alone. I have come across many people who have ignored an interest or a calling from their heart to learn more about psychic phenomena and to work on strengthening their…
Can a psychic attack be deliberate?
In the past we’ve talked about the unpleasant situation of psychic attacks — experiences in which someone uses supernatural or psychic energy to attack or intrude upon your energy or your aura. A psychic attack can leave you feeling drained, fatigued and even violated. Often, one will launch a psychic attack without even realizing that they…
Ways to Get Psychic Answers From Dreams
Car Protection Spell: 7 Reasons to Smudge Your Car
Is there a such thing as a car protection spell? You’d better believe it. One thing that is inevitable when you begin to strengthen your psychic abilities: you become much more sensitive to energy. if you encounter negative energy or pick up on some particularly nasty vibes, you may feel drained, fatigued, depressed and …