One of my favorite things about the new year is reading about or listening to new year psychic predictions. Each year around this time, you see a flood of news articles in which psychics, mystics and astrologers share their predictions for the upcoming year. Some of the articles seem to broach the topic tongue in…
A Dream of Giving Birth: Transformational Dreams Continue
I wrote last about a dream of climbing a ladder. As I explained, it was clear to me that this dream was significant. I also believed it was foreshadowing the move from one chapter to another chapter in my life. The transformational dreams have continued, as last night I found myself dreaming of giving birth….
My Dream of Climbing a Ladder: An Interpretation
There is so much we can learn from dreams. But so often we don’t take the time to set intentions to remember our dreams. And if we do remember our dreams, we often don’t take the time to record them. Last night I had a dream of climbing a ladder, and when I woke up…
My Group Akashic Records Reading
Tonight a psychic development group I belong to was treated to a group Akashic Records reading. Our teacher brought the reader in for us to learn about the Records and experience them. While I know a little bit about the Akashic Records, I had never experienced a reading before so I didn’t know what to…
Karmic Debt: How to Recognize it and Clear it
Lately, I’ve been fascinated by the concept of karmic debt. It refers to the baggage we carry around with us that results from our past life deeds. When we’ve acted in a way that causes negative consequences to others, you’d better believe we’re going to have an experience that throws that negative energy back to…