It’s no secret that I love to wear crystal jewelry. It’s a way for me to practice magick without having to think too hard about it. When I’m working on something in my life, I look for a piece of jewelry that can help. For example, when I’m feeling anxious, I may wear hematite rings….
How to ground yourself spiritually with hematite
Wondering how to ground yourself spiritually? Like it or not, anxiety is something we all have to deal with at certain times in our lives. I don’t care how connected to the Universe you are, life happens. Maybe you’ve recently started a new job and you want to make a good impression. Or you’ve entered…
Psychic signs someone is lying to you
One of the toughest lessons to learn in life is that you can’t believe everything that people say. If you’ve ever been cheated on in a relationship or mislead about a job offer, you know how painful it can be if someone is lying to you. You may even be lied to by family members…
How to Tap Into Psychic Abilities at Work
Do you have a co-worker that you feel uneasy around or that you just sense is out to get you? Have you ever felt like your job was in danger, only to find yourself laid off? Can you sense when your boss is in a bad mood? Do you walk into the office sometimes and…
How long before a crystal starts working?
If you’ve started working with crystals to enhance your love life, boost your personal growth, or improve your finances, congratulations on making a step that can transform your life dramatically. Crystals have healing properties and they vibrate at a higher energy level than we do. When we spend time with a particular crystal, it can…