If you’ve started working with crystals to enhance your love life, boost your personal growth, or improve your finances, congratulations on making a step that can transform your life dramatically. Crystals have healing properties and they vibrate at a higher energy level than we do. When we spend time with a particular crystal, it can…
Some psychics say Trump will be impeached. What does your intuition say?
Say what you will about politics, but we can all agree that the political climate is never boring. With scandal after scandal following Donald Trump, some are wondering whether he will be impeached. A number of psychics have gone on the record to say whether they think he will be impeached. However, your intuition is just…
Swipe left, swipe right: Using psychic ability when online dating
If you depend on your intuition to make decisions, you likely prefer face-to-face meetings than meeting online and over the phone. After all, when you meet someone in person, you can feel that person’s energy, and you can get an idea of whether there is real chemistry or not. So if you’ve decided to try online…
Why bad vibes are easier to pick up than good vibes
Have you ever been around someone and immediately you got a bad feeling about them, or sensed bad vibes? Maybe you sensed they were lying, or you felt that they didn’t have your best interests at heart. Hopefully you followed your gut instincts. If you didn’t, you may have found yourself burned — regretting that you…
Is ‘the Resistance’ part of the same soul group?
If you’ve been outraged by what’s been going on in the United States politically, or you’ve become more vocal about the state of political affairs, you’re not alone. Do you self-identify as part of ‘the Resistance?’ If you log onto Twitter, chances are you’ll see that many others feel the same way that you do….